Within 3 The way pharmaceutical and medical device teams work has changed forever, prompting some experts to predict that everything from day-to-day interactions to how clinical trials are conducted will experience a transformation. Less business travel, more flexibility in where...
  • April 15, 2022
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Within 3 Medical affairs teams rely on insights to drive strategy and enable business decisions with far-reaching implications for their organizations, and for consumers who rely on life-changing treatments and devices. But the processes surrounding insight-gathering are varied, complex, and...
  • April 15, 2022
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Within 3 Life science organizations are facing a new world and unprecedented challenges. A global pandemic revealed vulnerabilities in processes from supply chain management to clinical trial recruitment and execution. As the global crisis progressed, pharmaceutical and medical device teams...
  • April 15, 2022
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Within 3 Life science and pharma companies have long looked to key opinion leaders (KOLs) for insights and advice. KOLs are highly respected and highly influential within their often large networks of peers. They are usually researchers, physicians, or other...
  • April 15, 2022
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UBC Pathway REMS Connect Overview – Improve prescriber experience, increase compliance, and reduce cost of REMS (Risk Evaluation & Mitigation Strategy) administration
  • April 14, 2022
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